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Ashton's Diary - May 2018

Updated: Jul 30, 2023

Ashton’s diary may 18

At the park with Kevin and Trevor .. Ashton’s role playing pretending he is a monkey..


Session with Liz

Ashton moving into fluid play..

played with a doctors kit in all different aspects of play .

Played with doctors kit on its own and then played with it at the train set..


Ashton started singing this as we were drawing.. he just started putting the tops of the crayons on his fingers and singing.. when he finished I took the tops off his fingers and sang the first word and he sang it again ..

Later in the day he asked me for milk and took me to the kitchen and fridge ..

Sunday morning he gave me a kiss when I asked for a kiss and then said kiss for mummy..


Going to the beach and park with Ashton ..

we were walking to the beach and I went to go holding Ashton’s hand towards the beach.. Ashton said no and resisted and he said na mummy I want to go to the park.. I said where do you want to go? HD said the park..

Ashton saying hello and goodbye to people more frequently now.. still with prompting..


Ashton was in the playroom just playing with LEGO and he just stopped playing and went to his daddy and said “daddy, wee wee” as he took his hand and directed him to his bedroom bathroom ..

We have been taking Ashton to the toilet for about seven months all at a regular time and each night mostly he does a poo on the toilet before bed.. so good to hear that tonight .. we wait to see if he does it again ..

Ashton has been playing for longer periods of time and will play for half hour to an hour without needing to regulate himself by running off and spinning or running.. I feel this is a huge breakthrough ..

Ashton making up play scenarios and acting them out with the trains .. so good and all his own instigation.. he was playing this for ten minutes before I got my phone ..


At Liz’s session she brought 5 blocks red blue orang small yellow and green..

Liz said fire engine as she gave Ashton the red block .. he then said police car fir the blue car then ambulance and garbage truck and the small orange he called a car. He joined Them into his traiin play..

Object substitution.. the block is a fire engine pretend..

Ashton sat on the edge of lounge and pretended to fall off as he climbed back up he sang humpty dumpy sat on the wall.. did it a couple of times then sang as Liz had a turn

28th may 2018

I came to playroom this afternoon and Ashton was coming out the door he saw me and looked at me and said” hi mummy I’m glad to see you.. “


We build a bridge Ashton said as he pulled all the cushions off the lounge ..


Ashton has started doing poos in his nappy at sleep time during the day.. he even said to sammi I did poos in my nappy .. he has done this all week..


Put in video from Tania where she put the train around the room and he went and found them ..


Ashton in session with liz and he was looking for buried dinosaur bones under pillows.. he found a head and Liz said “take it to mummy” he looked around at me and brought it over and gave it to me .. I said “what is it?” Ashton said “ it’s a dinosaur head” he then went back over to Liz and looked for more as she was pretending to dig and he found a arm bone.. Liz said the sand and Ashton brought it to me and I said “ what is it” he said “ a dinosaur arm.”


Eddy went down to Ashton In The morning and he said hello daddy and eddy changed his nappy and went out for a while .. he came back to check on him and Ashton said “ wees daddy” and he did wees on the toilet ..

13/14 June

Ashton’s sleeping patterns have changed .. he has been wanting to keep his iPad till &.30 instead of 7.30 and cries when we take it off him and does not want his bottle at night.. we stroke his head and he goes to sleep.. he has also been having poos in his nappy after he goes to bed so we will just percivere ..

when I cane down to get him up this morning he said hello mummy and said it’s nice to see you.. he said it’s nice twice and then said it’s nice to see you..

I was playing with him later with the ice cream can and I asked for an ice cream which he could not get the concept of me asking for something and him giving it to me .. I gave him an ice dream and said Ashton here is an ice cream can I have one.. he did one

15th June

Took Ashton to children’s shop today and for a juice at a coffee shop.. very good in coffee shop and then went to children’s shop.. he picked a tractor and a fire truck and a garbage truck and he wanted them open straight away I said we have to pay for them and I took him by the hand to lady and gave Ashton some money to give to her explaining we have to pay.. he got a little agitated and did not understand but I gave the toys to lady and Ashton gave money and then lady gave them back and he said thank you and stopped crying .. we opened them and we put them in a bag and he carried them across the road to speech therapy.. he played happily with trucks until Tania came ..

Speech therapy session;

Ashton pointed at a picture watching the book


Ashton runs off ahead of me and looks behind to see that I am coming.. sees me and turns around to keep going.. what a huge break through from a little boy who did not turn to his name let alone look for a response which he so often does when playing ....


Ashton has so much more eye contact and looking for recognition for an action when playing with someone mainly an adult.. so good.. saying hello and goodbye sometimes without even promoting..


Ashton’s session with Liz today was very positive..

cutting straight lines

Choices for activities and packing away after finishing .. putting picture choice away when packing away is finished..

when session was finished and Liz had her bag Ashton waved and said see you later .. he did it three times with no prompting ..

goals for Ashton... to request things he needs.. we will work in his requesting skills..


Using mitigated echala

Incidental yes no questions

Looking for objects which are hidden.

Own generated grammar six and seven word sentences

Higher level answers of like or don’t like is an opinion which difficult

Self awareness we could work on

E.g what’s wrong and then scaffold the response r.g

I’m mad I’m sad.


Ashton waiting for afternoon tea and Chantelle said would you like afternoon tea

Yes my afternoon tea and he sat down at the table ..


Ashton still very much in his own world .. hard to draw him out .. moments when I think I am getting through and then I feel he does not progress .. I have felt this before so I am sure he will surprise me..


Ashton doing very well .. imaginative play progressing.. I believe Ashton will be able to relate to adults as he gets older but children not so sure he can socially adapt.. as adults we help him and introduce things to him and wait for him to process .. children move too fast and I see that as the social problem he will not be able to think fast enough to keep up in play situations..


Great session with Tania today

Played with one thing for whole session over three quarters of an hour .. very talkative on the way to session.. answered a question of where is it as we looked for dinosaurs on the way in the car .. he said over there..




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